Academic Year 2025-26 Attendance Costs

Tuition, Board, Lodging, and Fees

The Registration and Orientation Fee is to be paid at the time of registration. This is non-refundable after the student arrives on campus for the semester. Other charges and fees are to be paid in full by the beginning of each semester. In certain instances, billing arrangements can be made with the Business Office. These billings will not exceed four payments per semester. For questions or assistance, please contact the Business Office at 985-867-2236 or

Charges for Full-Time Resident Student

  • Tuition - $12,650

  • Board - $3,950

  • Lodging - $4,800

Semester Cost of Tuition, Board, and Lodging - $21,400
Annual Cost of Tuition, Board, and Lodging - $42,800

Per-Semester Fees

  • Registration - $1,000

Yearly Fees

  • Technology - $750

  • Physical Activity - $650

  • Student Government Association - $105

One-Time Fees

  • New Student - $300

  • Senior Mission and Graduation - $1,675

Charges for Part-Time Students

  • Tuition per semester hour - $365

  • Per-Semester Registration Fee - $75

  • Yearly Technology Fee - $375

Fees for Students Auditing A Course

  • Registration Fee for Auditors (per student) - $10

  • Auditors 54 years and younger (per course) - $60

  • Auditors 55 years and older (per course) - $50

Transcript Fees

  • Transcript Fee - $9

Please Note: Saint Joseph Seminary College will add a 3.5% surcharge to any payments received by credit card for money due to Saint Joseph Seminary College.

Students are responsible for tuition and fees. Some (Arch)diocese offer scholarships for seminarians. Please check with your (Arch)diocese regarding their policy.