Propaedeutic Stage of Priestly Formation

The propaedeutic stage, called for by the Program of Priestly Formation 6th edition (PPF), provides an intense year of human and spiritual formation. This period of time is an invaluable gift to our new men as they begin their journey of cultivating a deeper prayer life, developing a more mature personality, and entering into “an intense and profound vocational discernment” (PPF, 122).

This new community of seminarians will have their own distinct housing, team of priest formators, curriculum, horarium, scope and sequence.

St. Joseph Seminary College is offering two propaedeutic programs: 1) full-time formation and 2) a condensed formation program for full-time students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and the Liberal Arts. Each program begins in August and ends in July.

This stage of formation is centered around four dimensions: Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Pastoral.


One of the principal objectives in the propaedeutic stage is “to nurture a greater self-awareness for personal growth” (The Gift of the Priestly Vocation, 59). The propaedeutic program is designed to offer each seminarian the time and space to discover strengths and weaknesses in his own personality. Men are guided in their discernment on the use of social media and technology. Overall, this stage of formation introduces seminarians to reflect on living a life of celibate chastity, simplicity of life, and obedience.

The Human Dimension is highlighted by:

  • Media fast

  • Formation seminars

  • Conferences

  • Community meetings

  • Cooking meals

  • Common work

  • Exercise and sports

  • Fraternity

  • Backpacking expedition


The propaedeutic stage is “to provide a solid basis for the spiritual life... to lead seminarians to prayer by way of the sacramental life; the liturgy of the hours; familiarity with the Word of God, which is to be considered the soul and guide of the journey; silence; mental prayer; and spiritual reading” (The Gift of the Priestly Vocation, 59). The Sacred Scripture is understood here in terms of prayer rather than an object of academic study.

The Spiritual Dimension is highlighted by:

  • Daily Lectio Divina

  • Catechesis on the Word of God

  • Days of Recollection

  • Periodic retreats

  • Vocational discernment

  • Pilgrimage


The propaedeutic stage is “an ideal opportunity to acquire an initial and overall familiarity with Christian doctrine by studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church (The Gift of the Priestly Vocation, 59). Additionally, seminarians are prepared to meet the challenges of being a full-time student. They will receive English Language skills, develop study habits and learn time management skills to be successful in their next stage of formation.

The Intellectual Dimension is highlighted by:

  • Catechesis on the Catechism of the Catholic Church

  • Priestly identity and spirituality

  • Spiritual classics

  • Liberal Arts education

  • Student Learning Center


Seminarians are called to develop “the dynamic of self-giving through experiences in the parish setting and charitable works” (The Gift of the Priestly Vocation, 59). Men are given the opportunity to see the face of Jesus in the poor through a border immersion experience. They also practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in their weekly apostolic work. Seminarians will have dedicated periods of time throughout the year to facilitate a deeper bond with their own dioceses.

The Pastoral Dimension is highlighted by:

  • Apostolic work

  • Border Immersion

  • Diocese Immersion