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Transfer of Credits

Transfer credit will be based on a review of official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended. Credits earned at other regionally accredited colleges or universities will be honored by Saint Joseph Seminary College for those courses in which a grade of C or above has been achieved and which are applicable toward its degree programs. Credits earned at Roman Catholic seminaries abroad will be honored by Saint Joseph Seminary College for those courses in which a grade of C or above has been achieved, as interpreted by transcript evaluation, and which are applicable toward its degree programs. Transferred credits carrying numerical grades will be interpreted according to the grading system in use at Saint Joseph Seminary College.

Students with international credit will be required to have their transcripts evaluated by a verified credential evaluation service. These transcripts must receive a course by course evaluation, with the cost for this evaluation borne by the student. A listing of verified credential evaluation services may be found at

Students transferring to Saint Joseph Seminary College in good standing with their prior institutions will be considered in good standing with the Seminary College during their first semester. Students transferring in probationary status from a prior institution will be subject to the academic probation and suspension policies of Saint Joseph Seminary College and may be required to carry a limited schedule of courses during their first year of enrollment.

All transfer students may view the credits accepted from other institutions in their Cams Student Portal.

Credit and Placement by Examination

Saint Joseph Seminary College participates in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Board and awards credit and/or placement for the subject examinations sponsored by this program. The minimum score for all CLEP examinations for which credit will be granted is 50. The total number of combined credit hours a student may earn from CLEP examinations and advanced standing examinations (see below) is 24. Credit will be awarded only for CLEP examinations taken before or during a student's first semester of enrollment at the Seminary College. The Saint Joseph Seminary College CLEP identification number is 6689. The following chart shows the CLEP examinations for which the Seminary College awards credit:

CLEP ExaminationSJSC course for which credit is awardedHours Awarded
College CompositionENG 1311/1312 English Comp. I and II3/6*
Analyzing and Interpreting LiteratureLIT 2312 Introduction to Literature3
French LanguageElective or LAT 13113
German LanguageElective or LAT 13113
Spanish LanguageElective or LAT 13113
College MathematicsMAT 1311 Practical Mathematics3
BiologySCI 1311 Human Biology3
Natural SciencesSCI 1312 Environmental Sciences3

*The credit awarded for these exams is affected by the score achieved on the Diagnostic Essay taken by all incoming students (see below). For a score of 1 or 2, no CLEP credit is awarded. For a score of 3, CLEP credit is given for ENG 1311. For a score of 4, 5, or 6, CLEP credit is given for ENG 1311 and ENG 1312.

Students of superior ability and preparation, and students who have gained a fundamental knowledge of subjects offered at the college, may be permitted to take advanced standing examinations in specific courses which, if passed with satisfactory grades, will enable the students to receive degree credit and to advance to higher level courses. A student may take such an examination only once for each course. Credit given by examination is not used in the computation of the grade point average.

Advanced placement scores of 3 or higher may receive credit for the equivalent course. Students will receive the grade of "P" and 3 credit hours for credit earned through advanced placement scores.

All CLEP/Advanced Standing/AP credit is awarded at the discretion of the Academic Dean.

All incoming students - freshmen and transfer students - take an institutional English essay examination (the Diagnostic Essay) and have their ACT, SAT, or THEA scores examined to determine the level at which the students are functioning in academic written English. Based on the results of these measures, students may be placed in developmental English or assigned to tutorial sessions in the Writing Center. Credit is awarded for performance on the Diagnostic Essay as follows:

Diagnostic Essay ScoreCredit awarded for
1, 2, 3, 4none
5ENG 1311 English Composition I
6ENG 1311 English Composition I and ENG 1312 English Composition II