Safe Return Period for Fall 2020

The two weeks beginning on Saturday, August 8, 2020 through August 25, 2020 shall be designated as Saint Joseph Seminary College’s “Safe Return Period” (SRP). As we anticipate resuming in-person instruction and formation programs, the safe implementation of this will greatly hinge on the whole community, as well as visitors to campus, observing four important public health measures to ensure everyone’s health and safety. These measures are: use of face coverings (masks), physical distancing, frequent hand-washing and personal health monitoring. During these two weeks, the seminary community and all on campus (faculty, staff, and visitors) will be expected to adhere to the guidelines below.

Move In days (Saturday, August 8th, New Men; Monday, August 10th, Returning Men)

  • All new men will check in at the Welcome table upon arriving on campus. Temperature checks will be conducted and each new man will complete a symptom checklist at this point. There will be a pre-determined route to follow when moving about campus to limit contact.

  • Only two (2) parents may accompany new men on move-in day. Parents will not be allowed in the dorms. There will be seniors designated to help new men move their belonging to the dorm rooms.

  • Returning men are asked to return unaccompanied to campus. There will be brother seminarians to help with any items that need to be moved into your dorm rooms. You will be asked to complete a temperature check and symptom questionnaire upon arrival.

August 11 – 25, 2020

  1. Masks will be provided to each seminarian and will be required when

  2. Gathering as a community in an enclosed space

  3. Moving from class to class in an indoor hallway o Meeting with advisors, professors, and spiritual directors

  • Physical distancing of at least 6 ft. will be required in classrooms, the gym, refectory, church, and community rooms.

  • Intentional handwashing with as much frequency as possible is highly recommended, especially before and after meals, after workouts in the gym and outdoor sports, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. Hand sanitizing stations have been installed in all buildings on campus and are there for your use.

  • Personal health monitoring will be required with daily temperature checks and completion of the symptom check list each morning prior to reporting to your first obligation of Morning Prayer. Any abnormalities in temperature or physical health should be reported immediately by email to You will receive instructions to follow based on the information you report.
    Do not leave your room for any reason before receiving this email.

  • No one will be allowed to leave campus without explicit approval from one of the college administrators (rector, vice-rector, dean of students). Permission will only be granted for essential needs such as a doctor’s appointment.

  • Shoppers will be assigned to pick up any needed supplies for the community that cannot be purchased in an online order.

  • There will be no singing for the liturgy at masses during this period.

August 25, 2020

This protocol will be re-evaluated on the 25th of August. If the community remains healthy during the SRP, some of these requirements may be relaxed. The seminary college will also rely on state and local guidance.

Saint Joseph Seminary College anticipates a smooth start to the semester, and with your help, we can move to a condition of normalcy on campus following this Safe Return Period.